Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Does siet effect children with autism

I remember watching an old episode of Ellen, when Jenny McCarthy was a guest on the show. She spoke about her new book “Louder than Words” that was the record of how she helped her son ‘recover’ from autism. Here: is a link to a little about her and about her book. She speaks about how putting her son on a strict diet vastly improved his symptoms. There have been many cases where eliminating Gluten and in fact all forms of yeast has improved symptoms in children with autism. On the other hand studies completed last year did not have an accurate control, group so the results were invalid. Also if a child with autism’s favourite foods needs to be eliminated from their diet, a mother could be looking at endless tantrums and never ending screaming. has another article with more information on the subject.

My question to you all is what have you heard about the effects of changing diet on children with autism? Do you think it is worth Mothers at least attempting the strict diets?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Technocentric approach - Adequate or not?

In the article Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Curriculum-based Technology Integration Reframed, Harris, Mishra, and Koehlher make a case for why a technocentric (bottom of page 3) approach to technology integration is inadequate. Explain what you think that they mean and whether you agree or disagree and why. In your response you need to state their main argument and why the TPCK framework supports their argument and whether you agree or disagree and why. Your response should be approximately 150 words (give or take. I will not be counting the words but this will give you an idea of how in depth I want your response)